Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Letter to Stewart - Hoe to the End of the Row

Dear Stewart;

I wish my letters and email could be as motivating and inspirational as Bob Pedersen’s.  My strength is in organizing not in motivating.  But, I did want to pass along this poem to you.  It was a motto we had in our mission.  “Hoe to the end of the row”.  I might have shared this with you already, but I’ve always really liked the message it sends.  It’s for everyone - you don’t have to be the smartest, the richest, the best at speaking Spanish - you just have to work hard until the day is done (or the mission or our life her on this earth - lot’s of good underlying messages).

I don’t know if you’re seeing Jamison’s blog, but this is what he wrote about the bombing in Belgium.

"I reflected quite a bit about the recent events that have plagued our mission;  Charlie Hebdo last year, Friday the thirteenth this past November, and now the Brussels attacks, which involve people I know.  It just goes to show that you never know what may happen.  The bombings have reminded me of the beauty and delicacy of life, and that we need to treasure every moment we're breathing. God does not keep his missionaries from all harm and danger, but he always enables them to accomplish His work. I don't know why Elder Norby, Wells, Empey, and Sister Clain had to go through what they did, heck, it could have happened to me...all I know is that the Lord has granted them their lives, and we should all be thankful for that!  I am thankful for my mission, I am thankful to be at a distance from these attacks, but still close enough to receive the Lord's reminder of how fragile we are, and how important it is to make good decisions with each moment he grants us."

It’s been amazing as these injured missionaries have powerfully shared their testimonies with the world.  

Love you and miss you.  Continue to Hoe to the End of the Row.



Bill Brown made a million,
Bill Brown, think of that.
That boy you remember,
As poor as a rat.
He hoed for the neighbors,
Did jobs by the day.
And Bill made a million,
Or near it they say.
He worked for my father,
You'll maybe recall.
He wasn't a wonder,
Not that, not at all.
He couldn't out-hoe me,
Or cover more ground,
Or hoe any faster,
Or beat me around.
In fact, I was better
In one way that I know.
One toot from the kitchen
And home I would go.
But Bill Brown always hoed
To the end of the row.
We used to get hungry
Out there in the corn.
You talk about music,
What equals a horn?
A horn yellin' dinner,
And tomatoes and beans,
And pork and potatoes,
And gravy and greens.
I ain't blamin' no one
For quittin' on time.
To quit with the whistle,
That ain't any crime.
But as for the million,
Well, this much I know.
Bill Brown always hoed
To the end of the row.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Letter to Stewart

'm going to take advantage of the long day I will have watching Emma compete in a dance competition to write you a letter.  I think of all your siblings, she has grown up the most in the last 2 years.  She's 5'4" and nearly as tall as me.  I'll be by the time she's done growing she'll be taller than Maren.  It's really fun to watch her dance, even if it takes up an entire ski day.   (However, I'm not much into the dance mom scene.  Not sure if you ever caught the reality TV show Dance Moms - it's really that bad - but not Emma's dance studio, that's why I like it.  They keep it real and classy.  It'll be the only dance studio doing a ballet today.)

Dad is super busy at work so he's going to work today.  Maren is in Disneyland with the Concert Choir tour so I sent Charlie and Syd skiing with Will.  They had a sleep over last night and were so excited about it.  I got my ski day in on Thursdays with a bunch of ladies - it was down right hot up there!  No quit skiing on July 4th, but close.

Last night I spent  few minutes catching up on Jamison's missionary blog.  It was fun to see all the pictures he's posted on food.  Being in France has really developed his foodie sense.  (And I'm sure his missionary sense too :)).  His Mom posts lots of food pictures and Jamison is experimenting with fancy French sauces.  Hey, I served in Italy so I understand the importance of food on a culture - I'm sure you get the same in Spain.  I love mediterranean Europe!

We got your birthday card off this week - but not the package.  Still a few things I want to add to it.  Hopefully you get the card by March 17th.  Your aunt Michelle is due March 21 (next baby coming our way).  It would be fun to have a cousin that shares your birthday.  As one of the oldest 35 or so Frazier cousins, you'll have to work really hard to get to know all these younger kids.

Blake and Morgan are marching forward with their wedding plans (remember this is NOT the same Morgan he dated before his mission - new Morgan, and she is wonderful!).  I'm so happy for Blake, he had such a rough go at it for awhile, but he put into practice the wonderful atonement of our Savior and he is excelling.  People you can successfully endure or overcome adversity seem to be that much more grounded in the gospel.  I"m not prayer for adversity - but just the conviction that when the times get tough, my resolve is that much more profound.

Spring is in full force in Salt Lake.  Kids were playing in the back yard yesterday, we have daylight saving times this weekend, soccer starts up in the next couple of weeks, Easter in 2 weeks, then General Conference (yeah!)  I even worked in the yard and your father is busy thinking of what yard projects we need to get done before we leave for the sabbatical.  I'm hoping we just get the yard cleaned up and organized.  I'm OK to save the projects for the fall when we get back.  Did I tell you we'll be having 2 25 year old UofU women graduate students living in our home while we travel?  They both are RM's and recently graduated from BYU and need/want some time living on their own. They have to take care of Oscar, the Yard and the House.  I'm a bit nervous, but I'm sure it will all work out.

Maren and a few friends put together an FPS group from OHS and competed in the State Competition this past week.  I'm sure they'll do really well - they're smart kids and they'll be one of 4 groups competing in the Senior division.  I wouldn't be surprised if they get invited to go to Internationals - somewhere like Iowa or something.  It's all good, I feel like she missed her chance to do this because she had a play that interfered with her 6th grade FPS competitions dates.  We'll keep you posted.  She's had a good Junior year.  Even though she hasn't been a Page in Washington D.C.  She's been on the Tennis team and enjoyed a tournament in St. George, the Debate Team (although they have a new coach and didn't get a trip this year), AP Art History to SF, Concert Choir to Disneyland, and now FPS - she hasn't missed out on any HS opportunity.

This past week Cinda invited me to go to Provo with her for the BYU Jump Start workshop.  I had deja' vu as I think you did this on-line before you left.  But since I have to be the one to take care of all your BYU particulars, it's good that I went so I can start figuring this all out.  I did log on to your myMAP and figured out that your registration date is June 6.  That can be a discussion for a later day.

I want to hear all about crazy transfer week and all that you had to do.  How's your new ward?

Love you,