Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Highest Lake in the World

 Amantani * Taquile

We woke early this morning for a 6:45 a.m. breakfast. Charlie did not have a good night, and after breakfast Sydney’s stomach began to bother her. It’s probably a good thing we are headed home from Peru today. Eric of course stayed back at the hotel in Puno last night and other than a quick call, we really didn’t know how he was feeling. Breakfast was a decent pancake and scrambled egg.

Our only stop today with the guide was Taquille Island. From what I can figure this island's sole purpose is to provide a sort of “living museum” of how these people live. The islanders dress in traditional clothing each day and wait for the tourists to arrive. Since our schedule is a bit rushed today, we arrived early - before tourists or locals were moving about. After a 30-minute walk straight up the island, Sydney’s stomach was really bothering her, so we stopped at the Plaza de Armas for several minutes to drink a Coca Cola. A few tourists wandered into the Plaza and 1 restaurant was opened.

We took a leisurely pace to the top of the island then headed down 500 steps to catch up with our boat. I’m not sure we had the proper Taquille Island experience. The regular tourists wander in about noon (after their visit to Uros), have lunch, shop and then go home in the afternoon. Since we had to leave by 10:00 we missed the “Tacquile Island Show”.

Our 2 1/2 hour boat ride back to Puno was uneventful, except Sydney slept most of the time, only to throw up just after we got in the transfer van. Lucky for us (and the driver), she grabbed a plastic bag to throw up in and very little made it onto the floor of the car. Charlie was great at helping out and even cleaned up the floor of the van as best he could. After reuniting with Eric and some showers at the hotel - we are ready for the long journey home. Time to feel better and do some laundry and regroup for Part II of our sabbatical.

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