Friday, June 12, 2015

Letter to Stewart

            Everyone has been out of school for 5 days and it already feels like 5 weeks.  The first day of summer hit like a vengeance as I was at Grandma Frazier’s to blow off the tennis court before lessons started at 6:45, then at the DMV by 7:45 to get Maren a duplicate license (she lost hers).  By 10:00 I as at the Pediatrician’s office getting some medicine for Charlie because he started summer with Strep Throat.  Then to Target to get a swimsuit and birthday present for Emma for a Swim party she had.  Then to the Sprinkler Supply store to pick-up the plans for the sprinkling system in the side yard, followed by the Grocery Story, the Doctor’s office for me (I was worried I had strep, but I didn’t) – then to top it all off we took the kids to get a treat for a little Maxfield Monday – or FHE, however you like to call it J  I was exhausted by the end of the day!
            Gratefully the rest of the week hasn’t been that busy easy day  - but it’s been busy!  We took the YW/YM to the temple Tuesday morning, as always that was nice.  It was really nice because the baptistery wasn’t so crowded and because of that was more reverent.  It was also nice not to have to rush off to school afterwards.
            I had a visit from a friend from Arizona this week.  We served in a YW’s presidency together.  She has a daughter a year younger than you that will be starting at BYU this fall.  She’s a 4.0 student with a 33 in her ACT and no scholarship from BYU – Wow!  The scholarships down at the Y are definitely earned and SOOOOO competitive.  It makes your achievement akin to getting a full ride at Harvard quite frankly.  Way to GO!!!!  Speaking of BYU – Maren is down there right now at EFY and loving every minute of it.  What a great program. 
            I almost forgot – the big news of the week is Catherine and David and expecting baby #5 in December!   David has been remolding their kitchen to give them more room and it’s looking really nice.  Catherine has been so patient in the mess and not feeling well because she’s pregnant. 
            We had the Malouf’s over for Sunday dessert last week.  Dylan didn’t come, he was with some friends in California.  I think he’s doing OK.  It sure would be nice if he went on a mission.  Oh – Leslie said thank you for writing such a nice note to Conner.  He leaves the same day you left on your mission last year – August 5th.
            Dad, Charlie and the Scout are in Bear Lake this weekend pretending to have “Scout Camp” J  Marc Pinnock, Jeff Brunken and others are up there with Dad.  They’re sleeping in the Pinnock cabins while the Scout sleep outside in tents.  I’m sure it’ll be a ton of fun if the Scouts are too crazy!  I think Dad likes being the Scout Master.  It’s a lot of work, but fun work at the same time.  Kinda like YW president – or being a Missionary J.  Service + Work = Happy people.

            I’m going to conclude so I can get this letter in the mail before FFF (Oh yes, the T-shirts came so I can mail your package now!).  We’re off to Sugarhouse park today for a picnic, some roller blading, and playing on the playground equipment.  Fun + Family + the Gospel = JOY.  I’m grateful for the JOY I have in my life.  I’m grateful that my Heavenly Father wants me to be eternally happy.  Have a great missionary day.

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