Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Letter to Stewart

April 27, 2015

Dear Stewart;

            As I write, Sydney and Charlie are watching the 3rd Harry Potter Movie.  Over the last few months Sydney has been reading all the HP books to Charlie after which they watch the corresponding movie.  They read for an hour last night finishing book 3.  By herself, Sydney has worked her way all the way to book 7 and is almost done with that.  I’m guess that within the next 6 months she will complete and the books a 2nd time with Charlie.  He’s hooked!  Around here Star Wars and Harry Potter rule!
            Today at school Charlie was uno cerdito in his classroom play of the Three Little Pigs.  He was the smart and wise cerdito that built his house of bricks.  My favorite part were the words “Lopo Feroz” Charlie chanted.  Charlie’s Spanish is coming – he can read decent enough and his comprehension is OK.  You’ll have to practice with him when you get back J  (Or write him a letter in Spanish).
            Of note today as well – we finished the Doctrine of Covenants.  We didn’t read it in its entirety, but a lot of it – to help Maren finish her reading for Seminary.   The Seminary has a new standard, Students must actually read the book of scripture that is being studied AND pass a test to get credit for the class.  They’re raising the bar – which is good, and bad.  Good because we are sending missionaries out when they are 18 and BYU is becoming mega-competitive to get into-there needs to be some standard, but bad because it might discourage some kids, and the last thing we need are discouraged (already sensitive) teenagers in regards to the gospel.  Next year is the Old Testament – I’m going to have Maren start her reading during the summer!
            I think Dad sent you some pictures of the side yard – it’s very pretty dirt right now (or mud – because it’s been raining like crazy this spring).  The rain has also made the dirt (mud) very heavy to move!  We hauled, and raked, and shoveled for most of the day Saturday.  We’re close – another couple of hours and the area will be ready for trenching and sprinkler system.  Maren and Emma will help dad with this one.  It’ll be a lot smaller than the back yard (obviously).  Maybe it’ll take a month to do the sprinklers (maybe longer?)  Then it’s the sod, planting plants, and dad will build the raised garden beds. Wow!  We might get that done before fall!
            This weekend as well Dad and I used your free Symphony tickets and went to the last Symphony performance for the 2014-2015 year.  It was really fabulous.  There was a violin concerto and the violinist was amazing.  45 minutes of a memorized, fast moving, crazy violin song.  We’ll have to make a point to go again soon.
            Only 10 days left before school is out.  Yahoo!!!  Over the weekend we built a float for the great state of Indiana and a diorama for the book Because of Winn-Dixie.  I’m not going to miss Elementary school when Charlie graduates in 4 years.
            We had a really nice Sacrament meeting this week on Family History.  I sure love what technology has done for Family History.  I love the Family Search app for my ipad and phone.  In fact, Charlie loves to flip through my ipad at church trying to figure out which family line takes him back the furthest.  Our favorite in the direct Frazier line which links to Simon “the fox” Fraser from about the 1100s.  He was well known enough that there are pictures of him (paintings) and some not-so-flattering political cartoons.  Will you be able to have that app on your ipad (when you get your ipad)?  I need to spend more time reading about my ancestors so I can send you some of their amazing stories – right now I’m just enjoying looking at my family tree and the pictures people have posted.  I even posted a picture of our family and a few of my Grandpa Frazier.  The talks also focused on the importance of sharing family stories with our children, not just those of our ancestors, but our stories as well.  So, for FHE that night I shared the story of me getting lost in the mountains of St. George with my friends in college.  Have I told you that one?  If not, let me know and I’ll type it up – it’s a bit involved.

Have a great day!  I’ll bet this time of year is lovely where you are!  Send more pictures J



Monday, May 18, 2015

Letter to Stewart

           Thanks for emailing the picture of you and your district after your soccer game.  I love looking at your smiling face.  Send more pictures J  As I write you I am listening to a song Maren sang at Charlie’s baptism “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”  she did such a beautiful job – she’ll be signing it in Sacrament meeting in a couple of weeks again.  I can’t believe that she’s going to be a Junior next year.  She’s such a beautiful, smart, grounded young woman.  She’s got a heavy load of classes next year and will be in early morning seminary.  I’m a bit worried about that – that’s hard, as I’m sure you remember.  She’ll have 3 AP classes; Calculus, Physics, Art History.  She’s going to take the regular American History so she doesn’t have to bother with the bad teacher.  This summer she’ll be taking US Government and Health as well as working at This Is the Place Heritage Park.  She’s also teaching piano to the three Moss girls, Sydney, Charlie, and Lina.  I’m amazed at the capable children I have  been blessed with – you and your sisters and brother are bound to do great things with all the talents and blessing the Lord has given you.
            We had the Stake Olympics over the weekend.  The weather held out for the morning and then it started to rain just as everything was finishing up.  Emma got a silver in the 200 and made it into the finals for the 100 where she placed 4th or 5th..  She’s been running with OJH’s track and field team this spring and has done well, considering this is the first time she’s really competed in Track and Field.  She got invited to the Regional track meet to be on the relay 4x400 race, but can’t go because it conflicts with Dance and there’s a recital coming up next week.  This past Saturday she (and I) played a concerto at Federation.  It was very nerve racking (for me).  Emma played flawlessly – I on the other had made several mistakes.  It’s a good thing they don’t judge her based on my performance.  This Thursday she (we) have a piano recital.  I haven’t done anything like that in a long time.
            The fireside for the Stake Olympics was great.  A new couple moved into our ward a few months ago, named the Frye’s.  He is a world traveler and adventurer.  He has climbed Mount Everest and has sailed around the world.  He is also a convert to the church.  He gave his fireside on his adventures climbing Mount Everest and it kept everyone on the edge of their seats (Did you ever read Into Thin Air?).  No such disaster struck his group while climbing, but the stories and pictures were amazing and a good analogy for goal setting and pushing oneself to try hard things and to grow.  It made me want to go home and set a miraculous goal like running a marathon or something.  (Of course, I DID do the spudman this past summer – and that was miraculous for me).  Actually, your Dad and I plan to be in a bike race in the fall – we have the option of 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 miles.  I’d like to go for 100.  We’ll see – so far it’s been raining a lot this spring and I haven’t been on my bike for more the 20 miles.
            This past weekend Charlie built the AT-AT walker.  It’s the biggest, baddest lego set he’s built yet.  With over 1,000 pieces it took him several hours.  I was amazed at his focus and determination.  Sunday morning he set his alarm for 6:00 a.m. and was up working on the lego machine while we all slept.  His focus almost compares with your ability at that age to conquer the Red Alert computer game.
            I guess the only other people (animals) I haven’t talked about in this letter and Sydney and Oscar – they’re both so sweet and never get mad and always love me and want to snuggle, or hug, or pet, or scratch, or play.  Oscar’s sick of the rain and wants it to be spring again.  Sydney is doing Indiana for her state report.  Pretty much nothing important ever happened in that state and noone famous came from that state, but I have learned about that state tree and flower.
            I’m sorry if my letters aren’t epistles full of insight – I’m living life, being a Mom, doing the best I know how to teach my children what right and what’s wrong. , how to love, serve, and have faith and how to be obedient.  I love the gospel.  I love how I feel when I’m living the commandments and when I’m receptive to the promptings of the spirit.  I try earnestly to follow the Holy Ghost’s promptings and seek them in my family in my church calling and in my life in general.  I’m grateful for my knowledge of my Savior and my understanding of my purpose on earth.  I’m happy for all those people in Spain that get to hear your similar testimony….regardless of where it takes them.
            Have a great day!  Here’s to a lovely spring and hopefully a summer that doesn’t come too soon!



Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Letter to Stewart

Dear Stew –

            Happy Cinco di Mayo and “May the 4th be with you” days.  Charlie continues to amass large quantities of Star Wars legos that I’m not sure what to do with.  They have taken over the front room.  He is anxiously awaiting the Star Wars movie that opens Christmas time 2015.  In addition to the Star Wars constant craze at our house – he had Sydney have resurrected the Harry Potter craze.  Sydney just started the 7th book and simultaneously she is reading the 3rd book to Charlie (they have finished 1 and 2 already).  She makes me watch the movies with her when she’s done – because they’re kind of scary!  It’s really sweet to watch them be such good friends.
            Sorry I didn’t get a letter off to you last week.  Sydney did, so I hope you saw that.  The YM/YW were in charge of a ward Fun Fiesta night for their fundraiser.  They had a taco bar, bake sale, silent auction (all the youth donated a service, i.e. lawn mowing, babysitting), and the YM contributed the “fun”.  At first Captain Bob wanted to get a hot hair balloon, tether it to the ground, and then take turns with rides.  They finally settled on renting a big bouncy slide with attached obstacle course.  It hadn’t been set up 5 minutes when Jack Williams broke his arm (sound familiar).   With the exception of that mishap – the evening was a success.  We had a good turn out from the neighborhood – member and non-members, we invited EVERYONE – the weather was super nice (we did this outside) – and everyone had a great time listening to latin music, eating tacos, and watching their kids play.  AND, we earned some money for Youth Conference and Girls Camp.
            I’ve had a very busy time with my YW calling as of late – it’s felt like a part-time job.  I think one of the reasons the church keeps us so busy is to keep us out of trouble, idleness, and other bad habits.  It’s all good, I love my calling and wouldn’t have it any other way.  I love projects and planning – and with the exception of building testimonies and faith in Christ – YW’s IS projects – who else has an activity every week.
            I had my final institute class this past week.  I’m going to miss that 90 minutes of deep, faithful thinking that I got each week.  It’s a little harder to do that with the demands of day to day living – you really need to carve out the time to make it happen – at 11:00 at night when you’re tired is not ideal.  I really strengthened my testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith by studying his words.  Our text was The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith by Joseph Field Smith; particularly the King Follett discourse.  I’m very grateful this modern day prophet and agree with John Taylor – that “Joseph Smith has done more, save the Savior himself, for the salvation of man.”
            May continues much the same as all the Mays in the past – lots of soccer games (and this year we added baseball), school programs, dance concerts, piano concerts, etc, etc, etc.  The busy life of parents (& their children).  I’m grateful for all of it.
            Just a little ward news.  The Flynn’s (yes, Jacob Flynn’s family) bought the Shupe’s home (the Shupes are building a house down the street) – I told you Dylan’s family bought Perkin’s home (or their old home).  I talked to Dylan’s mom this week – he’s doing good, but wandering a little bit.  He hasn’t made up his mind 100% yet about a mission and he’s a bit lonely since all his friends are gone.  I’m sure a letter to him would be nice.  Also a family with 6 kids bought the Dehlin’s home – I can’t believe we’ll be getting 3 new BIG families in our ward very soon.  Meg Miller is about give birth to her 3rd child and Natalie Moss’s little boy is growing and SO darling.  He is mauled by his 4 older sisters.
            I think Dad told you about Connor’s mission call.  We went to dinner with his parent’s over the weekend.  I’m sure a letter to him would be good too.  It’s going to be so great to talk to you on Mother’s Day.  I can hardly wait – the best Mother’s Day present I’ll get.  Have a great day.

Love you tons!
