Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Barcelona to Bath - driving in England

I'm SO glad this was our only flight on this trip (well - with the exception of coming and going).  Flying pretty much wipes out the entire day and everything about it is stressful - throwing luggage into the back of a car is easy.  Trekking with a family of 7 to the train station, then to the airport shuttle, then to the airline desk, security, passport check, and finally arriving at the gate 3 hours after we left the apartment is exhausting.  Our flight was late leaving Barcelona due to France - I can only guess that when something bad happens in France as it did today with a shooting in Normandy everything in France shuts done and that effects everyone in the EU.  

Today was the first time we had to adjust our watches for a new time zone.  We picked up our slightly bigger car (almost a mini van, yeah - luggage all fits in the back and Sydney and Charlie don't need to share a seat belt) and arrived in Bath 9 hours after we started our day, tired.  Bath is a nice change of pace from big city Madrid and Barcelona - quiet and cool (we needed our jackets tonight when we went to the grocery store).

The biggest adventure today was leaving the airport driving on the wrong side of the road.  We had been gone only minutes before we hit our first round about, got honked at twice, and Eric let out a *?#^ in front of the kids.  Even Emma from the back seat said she was having anxiety watching Eric drive and thinking that any moment we'd be hit head on as we traveled down the wrong side of the street.  Eric said he'd take driving in Southern Italy over this - hopefully it'll improve.

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