Thursday, June 30, 2022

Home for a quick turn around

Travel * ER * Laundry * Packing *Cancelled flight * Bike ride

Gratefully our travel home was uneventful. With the exception of everyone feeling a bit off and a red-eye flight we survived. From Lima Eric made a doctors appt for the day we arrived home (June 30) to be certain that he didn’t have any awful Peruvian gomboo. It’s a good thing he did - his doctor was very concerned about his racing pulse and shallow cough that she sent him to the ER. Thank heavens for American hospitals and medicines. They were able to quickly get an EKG done, run blood work, start and IV, and get a CAT scan done without problem. Turns out Eric has a bacterial pneumonia and covid on top of that. However, the covid is a red herring because the pneumonia is not a covid pneumonia which is very different. Eric’s pneumonia is settled in the bottom part of his lung and should respond well to antibiotics.

We decided that we all better take covid tests to know what were up again and Charlie and Sydney tested positive (Lara did not). This is tricky as we are supposed to leave for DC in 48 hours. Right now the CDC recommends isolating for 5 days from the onset of symptoms. Charlie’s symptoms started long enough ago, but Sydney is mostly asymptomatic (other than the vomiting).

I spent Friday trying to come up with our Plan B. Eric will fly out in 10 days to join us in NYC. Sydney, Charlie, and Lara will go to DC as planned, but stay in a hotel rather than in our airbnb with Caitlyn, Stewart, and Riley. It took a while to adjust all the logistics of the flights, hotels, and rental cars - but it should work out. At least that was what we thought until Delta cancelled our flight on July 2nd and we can’t leave until July 3 now. Traveling right now is hectic with so many flights being cancelled due to strikes, low employment, and a lingering pandemic. It’s all going to work out though - Stewart and Caitlyn are enjoying some DC time on their own until we arrive.

We passed our time in Salt Lake doing laundry, catching up on yard work, and running a few errands. We managed to squeeze in a lunch run, picnic to In and Out Burger and an evening Mountain Bike ride with a stop at our favorite gelato store. Eric joined us at In and Out, but certainly could not do the bike ride. July 2nd was our anniversary - which both of us nearly forgot. We didn’t celebrate much as we were supposed to be on a plane to DC.

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